Attention: Powerschool is having technical difficulties with student and parent login portals, we will update when we know more. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Estimados padres de BMS, Tengan en cuenta que el Día de Regreso a la Escuela será el 28 de agosto de 8:00 a.m. a 9:15 a.m. para los estudiantes. Habrá un horario de Casa Abierta opcional para los padres de 10:00 a.m. a 11:30 a.m. ¡Gracias!
over 5 years ago, Wray Eagles
Dear BMS Parents, Please be aware that the Back to School Day will be August 28 from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM for students.  There will be an optional Open House time for parents from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Thank you!  
over 5 years ago, Wray Eagles
Due to weather WHS Softball practice has been moved to the batting cages.
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
We will cancel JH practice tonight. Make up practice on Saturday from 8:00am - 9:30am
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Padres y estudiantes, Los portales de PowerSchool para padres y estudiantes están discapacitados temporalmente mientras completamos el proceso de programación. ¡Deben estar abiertos para que los vean pronto! Gracias y disfrute el resto de sus vacaciones de verano. - TC Travis
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Parents and Students, PowerSchool portals for parents and students are temporarily disabled while we are completing the scheduling process. They should be open for you to preview soon! Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer vacation. - TC Travis
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Fall Parents Please make sure your athletes have all four pre-participation requirements completed by the time they report to practices on Monday August 12th. (Registration, Fees, Physical, Handbook Signature)
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Junior high football practice will be from 5:30pm - 7:15pm starting August 12th at the high school
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Wray Sports Calendar 2019 -2020
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Salad Luncheon sponsored by Wray High School Softball team. Contact a softball player pr Karen or Cliff Merritt for tickets.
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Wray Daze Softball Salad Luncheon Ticket
Wray Preschool and Head Start want to thank the community of Wray for coming out and getting the playground built in just 3.5 hours. We had 50+ volunteers and great weather. Thanks again!
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb
Wray School District New Student Registration August 1 & 2 -- 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Parents of NEW STUDENT(S) Please bring copies of birth certificates, proof of residency, and immunization records for each student.
over 5 years ago, Mike Leeb