Interested in becoming a Rural Teacher in Colorado? During this 1-hour webinar TeachColorado.org will share valuable information for aspiring ECE and K-12 classroom teachers. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/become-a-teacher-in-rural-colorado-tickets-1059194462149?aff=partnershareall
¿Le interesa ser maestro rural en Colorado? Durante este seminario en línea de 1 hora, TeachColorado.org compartirá información valiosa para aspirantes a maestros de ECE y K-12. Regístrese aquí: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/become-a-teacher-in-rural-colorado-tickets-1059194462149?aff=partnershareall

The black and white pointillism are from high school's Art l class, as are the glue creations from Art ll. The colored projects are Pictograms from 7/8 Art. These are written stories made into visual word pictures. We will have a student art show in the Commons at the end of the semester.
Los puntillismos en blanco y negro son de la clase de Arte l del instituto, al igual que las creaciones con pegamento de Arte ll. Los proyectos en color son Pictogramas de Arte 7/8. Son historias escritas convertidas en imágenes visuales. Tendremos una exposición de arte de los estudiantes en los Comunes al final del semestre.

There has been an update to the December music concert schedule that we want to share with you. On December 9th, the WHS Jazz Band and Beginning Band (5/6) will still be performing but also on that date will be the WJSHS Choir and 2nd Chapter. The concert will begin at 6:30. On December 16th, we will still have the WES 3rd and 4th grade Christmas program. There will be a dress rehearsal (and we invite our seniors in the community who don't wish to get out in the evening) at 10 a.m. and an evening program beginning at 6:30 p.m. Following the evening presentation, there will be a brief intermission for changing the stage set up and the WJSHS Concert Band will begin their Christmas performance at approximately 7:15. Thank you and hope to see you at one of the performances to help you get in (or enjoy) the Christmas Spirit!
Ha habido una actualización en el calendario de conciertos de música de diciembre que queremos compartir con ustedes. El 9 de diciembre, la WHS Jazz Band y Beginning Band (5/6) seguirán actuando pero también en esa fecha estarán el Coro y el 2º Capítulo de WJSHS. El concierto comenzará a las 6:30. El 16 de diciembre, todavía tendremos el programa de Navidad WES 3 º y 4 º grado. Habrá un ensayo general (e invitamos a nuestros mayores de la comunidad que no deseen salir por la tarde) a las 10 a.m. y un programa por la tarde que comenzará a las 6:30 p.m. Después de la presentación de la tarde, habrá un breve intermedio para cambiar el montaje del escenario y la Banda de Conciertos de WJSHS comenzará su presentación navideña aproximadamente a las 7:15. ¡Gracias y esperamos verlos en alguna de las presentaciones para ayudarlos a entrar (o disfrutar) del espíritu navideño!

Are you interested in being an Elementary Teacher (1st Grade) we have an immediate opening for you! Apply today at wrayschools.org!
¡¿Está usted interesado en ser un maestro de primaria (1er grado) tenemos una vacante inmediata para usted! ¡Aplique hoy en wrayschools.org!

Kindergarten students enjoyed playing their homemade instruments in the Eagle’s Nest today.
Los alumnos de Kindergarten disfrutaron hoy tocando sus instrumentos caseros en el Nido de Águilas.

Wray High School Students attended the Northeast Colorado Career Expo at NJC in Sterling today. More than 70 businesses were at the Expo to talk with students about careers in their industry.
Los estudiantes de la High School secundaria de Wray atendieron a la expo de la carrera del noreste de Colorado en NJC en Sterling hoy. Más de 70 empresas estaban en la Expo para hablar con los estudiantes acerca de las carreras en su industria.

Cliff Merritt was chosen to receive the game ball last Saturday by helicopter for the boys Semifinals football game. He was honored or his years of service on the fire department, EMS, and many many hours spent keeping our school up and running! Such a well deserved honor and recognition! Congratulations Cliff!

Wray High Theater will present Dark Road November 21, 22, and 23 at Kitzmiller Auditorium. Dark Road plays November 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. and November 23 at 3 p.m. All performances will be held at Kitzmiller Auditorium. This one-act drama revolves around the lives two sisters: Greta (Ashlyn Carpenter) and Lise (Ofelia De la Torre). The sisters find themselves in the Birkenau Prison Camp during WorldWar II in Germany. One sister will side with the Reich; the other will fight for her emprisoned people. This show is recommended for audiences 12 and above due to the subject matter and intensity of the show. The cast includes a talented group of high school students including Jayda Sprage, Grace Jones, Chenoah Kanuho, Dorothy Zentz, Jaycie Snapp, Lukas Gil, Alexia Stepanski, Kaylee Stults, Kaycee Clark, Marie Dinsmore, and Avery Ritchey. Mersadees Adamson will provide technical support. Dark Road plays November 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. and November 23 at 3 p.m. All performances will be held at Kitzmiller Auditorium.

These students were the top 10 readers for 6th grade. They earned gift certificates to spend at our Scholastic Book Fair during PT Conference week.
Estos estudiantes fueron los 10 mejores lectores de 6º grado. Ganaron certificados de regalo para gastar en nuestra Feria del Libro Scholastic durante la semana de la Conferencia PT.

The third grade honored two students who have mastered their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. We are so proud of their hard work! We celebrated with a medal ceremony and finished by singing the national anthem together in the Eagle's Nest. Congratulations to our math fact masters!
El tercer grado honró a dos estudiantes que han dominado sus sumas, restas, multiplicaciones y divisiones. ¡Estamos muy orgullosos de su duro trabajo! Celebramos con una ceremonia de medallas y terminamos cantando el himno nacional juntos en el Nido del Águila. ¡Felicidades a nuestros maestros de las matemáticas!

These beautiful paintings were created using not paintbrushes, but Q-tips! The trick is to overlap the colors until the dots blend together. Made by elementary students grades 1-3, along with 5th/6th grade 2D and Advanced Art classes.
Estas preciosas pinturas no se hicieron con pinceles, sino con cotonetes. El truco consiste en superponer los colores hasta que los puntos se mezclen. Realizados por alumnos de primaria de 1º a 3º, junto con alumnos de 5º y 6º de las clases de Arte 2D y Avanzado.

Please go and find the WHS Theatre Facebook page and follow them to see information about their upcoming production! Please make sure you follow the correct page, which will have this profile picture.

Playoff game details:
Wray Eagles vs. North Fork Miners
Sunday, November 10 @ 2:00 pm
@ Eaton High School Field - 1661 Collins Street, Eaton, CO

Due to weather, road and field conditions, our football playoff game vs. North Fork has been moved to Sunday, November 10th, at 2:00 pm.
The location is TBD. Due to the amount of moisture received/anticipated, it is likely our field will be unplayable. We will update as we receive more information on this page.

Hello, this message is from the Superintendent of the Wray School District. Due to road conditions, storm routes will be running today, 11/8/24 in the morning and afternoon for the Wray School District. Reminder, this will be your normal bus, please make sure to meet along the highway. If you have any questions, please call your bus driver. Thank you.

Due to the storm we are worried that we will not be able to safely get to and from Denver tomorrow . With that, we will now hold pick-up on Monday (11/11). Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Hello, this notice is from the Superintendent of the Wray School District. Due to adverse weather conditions all activities for the Wray School District have been canceled for tomorrow, 11/07/2024. All schools will be closed, including the District Office. Please be safe. Thank you.
Hola, este aviso es del Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Wray. Debido a las condiciones climáticas adversas todas las actividades para el Distrito Escolar de Wray han sido canceladas para mañana, 11/07/2024. Todas las escuelas estarán cerradas, incluyendo la Oficina del Distrito. Por favor tenga cuidado. Gracias.

Hello, this notice is from the Superintendent of the Wray School District. Due to adverse weather conditions all activities for the Wray School District have been canceled for today, 11/06/2024. All schools will be closed, including the District Office. Please be safe. Thank you.
Hola, este aviso es del Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Wray. Debido a condiciones climáticas adversas, todas las actividades para el Distrito Escolar han sido canceladas por hoy el 06/11/2024. Todas las escuelas estarán cerradas, incluyendo la Oficina del Distrito. Por favor, tengan cuidado. Gracias.

These 3rd-5th grade students were the top 10 readers in each grade for the 1st quarter. They earned gift certificates to spend at our Scholastic Book Fair.
Estos estudiantes de 3º a 5º grado fueron los 10 mejores lectores de cada grado durante el primer trimestre. Ganaron certificados de regalo para gastar en nuestra Feria del Libro Scholastic.

Wray Elementary Student Council is hosting our annual pumpkin decorating contest to benefit local charities. Students can bring money to vote for their favorite pumpkin from now until Friday. Parents can see the display of pumpkins during conferences and also bring change to vote.
El Consejo Estudiantil de Wray Elementary está organizando nuestro concurso anual de decoración de calabazas a beneficio de organizaciones benéficas locales. Los estudiantes pueden traer dinero para votar por su calabaza favorita desde ahora hasta el viernes. Los padres pueden ver la exhibición de calabazas durante las conferencias y también traer cambio para votar.